Thursday, April 9, 2009

Cf Camp 09~

Sorry so late. lol. no time to explain bout camp. here's the pics..
the pics are some not in order.

my mortal-sean wong

my angel-ben yew

the something something gang.
(i think their the thives or spies)

this pic so cool & real. can be actor actress

Jun Wei-really like Joker

my officially group photo with our outfit

Pastor's daughter's b'day


No more special night.
must line up so far to get our food everyday.

one of the dish

lining up

butt ball. my games group fight my bro's group.
score: 8-0
guess who get 0. lol

getting ready.
can't see us. we are standing at the back

candid pic

real pic.

candid again



station masters getting ready the games

kenny's station.
pass the water balloon from first person until the last person
if drop then start again.
our group use 5-10mins for this.

my group talking..

tze lin's station.
use your toes and find the clips in the basin which contain raw eggs and other disgusting things in it. every member nid to get 1 clip.

emily's station.

daniel sim's station.

joanna's station.
pass the ingredient for making sandwich using the mouth only.

keep passing around until nothing left.
then eat the sandwich.

ken ji's station.
chew the raw vegetables and spit into the bottle until it is full.
damn disgusting. i almost vomited.

so gross.

forgotten who's the station master.
wet our hair and fill the bottle with water until half full.

johannan's station. this is my group.
must flip the map while all members are standing on it.
elena's station

eat the taofu.
its good for health but i didn't eat. anti saliva. lol


the beach which i did not go. ):

so many rocks.

praying. at night.

last day. reavealing angel's and mortal.

then punishment.
jun wei. catwalk-ing.

they pass through the line to the girl's dorm.
so they kena punish.

going home.
continue the pics next time. bye.

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